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Sunday, March 18, 2018
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Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday, June 20, 2008
The biggest licenced & reputable agarwood hydro-steam distiller in Malaysia.
Pics show a section of one of the biggest distillers in Malaysia. The raw wild agarwood chips mound are to be grind, ferment & distill using hydro steam distillers. This licenced & reputable distiller only extract the oleoraisin from wild agarwood. Production is about min. 4 liters per month of pure good quality greenish & yellowish natural pigment oleoraisin & pure distilled agarwood hydrosol, colloid suspension in water, that contain water soluble agarwood active compounds.
(Herbal distillates are aqueous solutions or colloidal suspensions (hydrosol) of essential oils usually obtained by steam distillation from aromatic plants. These herbal distillates have uses as flavorings, medicine and in skin care. Herbal distillates go by many other names including floral water, hydrosol, hydrolate, herbal water and essential water, Wikipaedia).
Hydro-steam distillation is one several conventional extraction methods. New agarwood extraction technology is supercritical CO2 extraction method which do almost 100% oleoraisin extraction & less than 1% of oleoraisin wastage. The efficiency of extraction duration per batch is about 5 minutes. The active compounds that dilluted & dissolved in hydrosol from the hydro-steam distillation process is still intact in supercritical CO2 extraction process of oleoraisin. Several test done on supercritical CO2 extraction of agarwood oleoraisin shows that this extraction process produce superior quality agarwood oleoraisin, as all the oleoraisin compounds totally extracted. This technology is avialable & developed locally at Science University, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Agarwood entreprenour must pay attention to this extraction method.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
CITES-PC Final Summary
ENB 10th Anniversary 1992-2002
Written and edited by:
Wendy Jackson
Alison Ormsby
Mark Schulman
Pamela S. Chasek, Ph.D.
Director, IISD Reporting Services:
Langston James "Kimo" Goree VI
Vol. 21 No. 19
Monday, 20 May 2002
Online at: http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/cites/CITP2/
13-16 May 2002
AQUILARIA SPP.: On Thursday, 16 May, Barbara Gravendeel, Leiden
University, presented on a CITES-funded study to develop species-
specific DNA markers in agarwood (Aquilaria) (PC12/Inf. 1).
Describing the basic characteristics of the 15 Aquilaria species,
she explained that the wood can be infected by a fungus that
produces a resin (gaharu) used in rituals, medicines and perfume.
She said gaharu is highly priced and global demand is higher than
available supply, and that only one species of Aquilaria is on
Appendix II. She noted that because gaharu-containing wood is
usually traded as dry samples, it cannot be identified at the
species level. She stated that there are few species- and region-
specific mutations in Aquilaria, and that further work is
necessary to isolate DNA in wood samples and to develop an easy-
to-apply test for customs officials.
Europe inquired about the time required to develop the test.
Gravendeel responded that six months are needed if fresh samples
are available, although there are difficulties when working with
old or contaminated wood. Mexico inquired about identification of
species based on gaharu’s phytochemical characteristics. Oceania
asked if there is trade information on other gaharu-producing
TRAFFIC introduced a document on agarwood (PC12/Doc. 8.3), noting
the increasing importance of DNA testing in distinguishing
species. He identified several recommendations, including, inter
alia, the need for ground-truthing of populations in agarwood
harvesting areas, and further field research on gaharu trade
dynamics. Oceania emphasized the need for a reporting mechanism
and links with traders to understand the total agarwood trade. He
added that Aquilaria could be a good candidate for the significant
trade review process. Several delegates said an Appendix III
listing could be appropriate. The Secretariat said the main
advantage of an Appendix III listing is that the countries of
export and import may eliminate the illegal trade. Central and
South America and the Caribbean called for further taxonomic
efforts to assess the species. The Committee agreed to support the
recommendations made by TRAFFIC, and the Chair will include the
comments in her report to COP-12.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Prof. Viki of Uni. of Malaya, Bio-Science Fuculty, in blue jacket, together with her students collecting agarwood fungi & microbes pathogens at the proposed research centre. Previous samples that were sent to the lab was analysed & identified. This trip is the follow up of the provious data collections.
Malaysian agarwood seeds.
to Matt Zhuk
date Jun 14, 2008 9:14 AM
subject Re: agarwood seeds
mailed-by gmail.com
Wild aquilaria spp. seeds are not aviable this season in Malaysia due
to bad intermitten fruits season. I think you can get avialable seed
stocks from cultivated agarwoods in any Indo-china countries.There are
many species of agarwood. You have to inform them which particular
species you want & you must get from reputable farm & not from
unknown suppliers. Ask only for fresh quality seeds from this season.
You can get inducer for agarwood, the CAKits pattented by Prof.
Robert Blanchete of Rain Forest International. Pls surf their web
Shams Fatani
- Hide quoted text -
On 6/13/08, Matt Zhuk
> Hello my name is Matthew Zhuk I am a student from Canada, I am looking to
> buy agarwood seeds in small quantity as well as looking for information /
> supplies for inducing agarwood production in trees.
> Best Regards,
> Matthew Zhuk
> --
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Quyen Tran Dear sir I have 6000 agarwood tree in VN. It is 5 years old, reading from you...
Thank great for you concern & your email. My inducer formulation is
still subject to further R&D in cooperation with U of Malaya. The
first stage was quite intresting as the inducer doesn't degrade the
xylem & some indiginous fungi & microbes cultured well with with the
applied inducer & spread to a certain extend in the xylem. The
formation of oleoraisin in the effected area start gradually.
Reapplication/ resprayed the inducer after a month will formed thicker
& darker layer of oleoraisin .UM will further isolate the fungi &
microbes & cultured them seperately & try accelerate the growth/spread
in the xylem to produce quality oil & heart wood. My intention is to
induce & produce a good quality natural formation heart wood.
Combinations of technique to be done so that the tree will induce
oleoraisin from the middle of the stem for heart wood & as well as the
outer surface of the stem for quality oleoraisin extraction. The
inducer must not react & degenerate the active components of the oleoraisin.
Present position is only good for oleoraisin extraction. Final paper
will be prepared after this.
Pls. keep in touch.
Shams Fatani
On 6/9/08, Quyen Tran
> Dear sir,
> I have 6000 agarwood tree in VN. It is 5 years old, reading from your blog,
> you said you know the formulation to induce the agarwood tree.
> I have read Dr Blanche, and several method to induce the agarwood. Do you
> have any paper of your research on the organically induce technique?
> Thank you
> Quyen Tran
Acta Horticulturae ISHS Acta Horticulturae 692: II International Symposium on Biotechnology of Tropical and Subtropical Species
Thieme-connect - Abstract Effect of Jinkoh-eremol and Agarospirol from Agarwood on the Central Nervous System in Mice
SpringerLink - Journal Article Production of 2-(2-phenylethyl) Chromones in Cell Suspension Cultures of Aquilaria sinensis
jbpkbiotrop-gdl-res-2006-drrudylukm-50 - SEAMEO BIOTROP - GDL 4.0 Research Report from JBPKBIOTROP / 2006-10-02 11:47:29
In vitro selection of superior agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.) clones
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Agarwood tree age & size to be artificially induced.
Location: Poum, Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan.
This wild tree is 20 cm. cbh was traditionally induced by artificial wound done by native aborigines. Note that dark spots are where the xylem already started producing oleoraisin. This is an example of how big & how old can the agarwood plant be artificially induced and possibly being naturally infected by fungi and microbes.
Another method of inducing the tree.
This is the combination method of inducing the tree of about this size & smaller sizes.
1. Aeration holes the size of about 7.5 mm. was drill to the centre of the trunk at regular 30 cm. interval circulating the trunk & sprayed in them with the liquid artificial inducer. This is to produce the heart wood after for about 2 years & the tree will be cut dowm for agarwood heartwood.
2. Artificialy wounded & peeled off the section of the bark to expose the xylem & sprayed with artificial inducer. Oleoraisin will form in the outer xylem at the artificially wounded section. The outer xylem that stained with oleoraisin will be chipped off after for about 3 months & send for distillation . The process will be repeated several times as required.
(Courtesy: Agarwood Agrotech SB).
For those who are intrested in this field, proper specialised training & knowledge is required to handle this artificial inducing technique. Trial & error techniques/process are not recommended. There are many artificial inducers & techniques in the market & not all are recorded commercially proven & also there are many immitation & fake products, some may contain heavy metals, herbicide poisons ect. The misconception is to make the agarwood tree 'sick' & produce oleoraisin & heart wood. The plant must be keep healthy to produce more oleraisin at the localised 'infected' area. The are only few that purely organic based artificial agarwood oleoraisin inducer. Please use only the artificial inducer that are accredited or certified & also binded by CITES regulations.
Making artificial wound to induce the tree for oleoraisin.
Location: Lengeng, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
This tree is A. baccariana species. It is very rare & among the largest to see this species as big as this & probably more than 100 years old, about 190 cm cbh & about 60 mtrs. tall.
(Courtesy: Agarwood Agrotech SB).
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Welcome to Malaysia, land of agarwood Aqiularia spp.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Top pic: The formation of oleoraisin on the trunk surface after artificially induced for 2 months. It attracted termites.
This is natural pinkish brownish fungi formation on the inner side of the bark. The bark was peel off to check for any fungi & indigenous microbes formation that will naturally induce oleoraisin in the xylum. This fungi infected the agarwood tree naturally & without any artificial wound. The sample was sent to isolate at Faculty of Biological Science, Biotech Depatment, University of Malaya.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Collecting fungi tree species, ecotype. Fungi infection that produce oleoraisin.
Barks & wood chips infected by fungi that produce agarwood oleoraisin. These samples were sent to Bio-tech Department to isolate the fungi , Faculty of Biological Science, University of Malaya.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Land of diverse agarwood species. Proposed Field Research & Development Centre.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Collecting fungi tree species, ecotype.
Expedition date 21 Apr 08. Location: Secondary jungle Kg. Peradong, Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan.
Expedition date: 19 Apr 08. Location: Lata Kijang & environ, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
Another species with dark brown upper trunk & branchers. The branches canopy are short & mostly perpendicular to the trunk & sub branchers & with dark green leaves. Local native said that this species is known to produce the most gaharu in the wild.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
1. A unique species of agarwood tree. Notice a small trunk beside a large tree trunk is 'gaharu akar' in Malayan language or 'vine agarwood'. It is not a vine that usually meander & grip along the supporting tree trunk to grow up to the tree top canopy . It just shoot up & rest on the tree branchers to support it gravity weight and to shoot up to top canopy of the supporting tree for sunlight. Pic on the top is it lower trunk.