Agarwood species in the wild.

Agarwood species in the wild.
A multiple leader/ trunks/ stem species that spiral to the other trunk.


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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Top pic: The formation of oleoraisin on the trunk surface after artificially induced for 2 months. It attracted termites.

Bottom pic: The area was chipped off for oleoraisin. The dark area is the formation of oleoraisin on the trunk surface.
This area will be respray again with artificial inducer to produce another subsequent layer of agarwood oleoraisin.
This artificial induced technique is only suitable for large circumference of the tree trunk. Small holes about 1cm. diameter drilled to depth of 5 cm. depth at various interval for aeration or sprayed with artificial inducer into the holes.
Another suitable technique for small circumference stem, tree of 5 years age & about 32 cm. curcumference breath height, is drilling small holes at various interval to the centre of the trunk and artificially induced with other proven medium of inducer, eg. fungi/microbes innoculation, chemical/s ect. These holes are also helps as aeration.
Another good idea is to use combine application of both technique. The raisin will produce in section of the middle trunk for 3/4 section of the wood & also on the outer layer of the wood. This will reduce the area of the wood that does'nt produce the oleoraisin & will reduce wastage.

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